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Karen enjoys working with a range of painting and drawing media, including printmaking, sometimes combining these to create mixed media images. Each type of medium brings its own exciting possibilities and unique qualities, something she continually explores.

Her interest in Printmaking developed at Kendal College whilst completing a Foundation Degree in Drawing with the University of Cumbria. She finds the quality of the marks produced particualrly fascinating and experiencing the reveal is one of the joys of working with printmaking processes

Her work has been exhibited in galleries in Cumbria and Lancashire over the last 25 years and she has been involved with projects including Printfest, C-Art and Go Herdwick. 

Karen is an experienced qualified teacher and has been teaching art in the adult education sector since 2011. She teaches for large organisations as well as running classes for private groups and individuals. 

Greywalls Studio, Lindale, has recently become her studio home, a perfect creative base in lovely Cumbria.



t: 07811600719


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